Create a poster for Amnesty International representing one of the Universal Human Rights. Use only type elements, 3 colors, 11 x 17. Utilize movement, scale, emphasis, and heirchacy.
The Human Right that I chose was Article 21: the right to take part and particpate in one's government. While developing my ideas, I zeroed in on how to visually represent the idea of relationship between the individual and their government.
Initial Sketches and Type Combinations:
Moving onto rough and refined drafts developed on Indesign. I chose to only use Helvetica for the poster. I loved how big, chunky, and weighty feeling Helvetica offered. Additionally, I chose to go with a Black, White, and Red color scheme. With red being the accent color.
Originally, I was going to use way more words in the design. But someone in my class suggested that the 'me' in government be something that I utilize. I loved that idea, so I ran with it in my digital roughs.
I went through two alignment variations, one horizontal and one vertical. I started with ideas that could fit in the vertical variations. The success with the chunky vertical Helvetica layout inspired me to try a horizontal variation.
vertical version iterations:
horizontal version iterations: